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다음 이름空間에서 檢索:

  • hero came And planted firm Britannia's flag On Canada's fair domain. Here may it wave, Our boast, our pride And joined in love together, The thistle, shamrock...
    1 KB (286 單語) - 2024年5月8日(水)18時26分
  • that which the breeze, o’er the towering steep, As it fitfully blows, half conceals, half discloses? Now it catches the gleam of the morning’s first beam,...
    3 KB (624 單語) - 2023年3月23日(木)23時02分
  • Because it wasn't a true freedom. I need some holiday but I don't wish that everyday is holiday. Because I didn't bear the pain. Because it wasn't a true...
    5 KB (1,086 單語) - 2023年11月28日(火)21時33分
  • VAIO (分類 IT 企業)
    VAIO株式會社(주식회사)는 日本(일본) 長野縣(장야현) 安曇野市(안담야시)에 位置(위치)한 컴퓨터 製造社(제조사)이다. 元來(원래)는 소니의 傘下(산하) 브랜드로서 1996年(년)부터 2014年(년)까지 販賣(판매)되었으며, 2014年(년)부터는 獨自(독자) 株式會社(주식회사)로...
    883 바이트 (182 單語) - 2022年7月19日(火)11時33分
  • controlling tentacles. To her, tentacles are just a part in her ordinary life; it has never been a big deal for her. However, her girly mind does want to get...
    5 KB (876 單語) - 2023年3月13日(月)19時00分
  • ok 惡(악) 옥 i 衣(의)* 이 iu 腰(요)* 유 im *簽(첨) 임 in 烟(연)* 인 ing 英(영)* 엫 ip 葉(엽)* 입 it 必(필)* 읻 ik 式(식)* 엨 u 姑(고)* 우 ui *杯(배) 위 un 搬(반)* 운 ung 冬(동)* 옿 ut 闊(활)* 욷...
    4 KB (351 單語) - 2024年1月28日(日)23時43分
  • 訪問(방문)했다. 그는 2001年(년)에 다시 中國(중국)을 訪問(방문)하여 상하이 證券(증권) 去來所(거래소)와 深(심)圳(수) 화웨이 IT 企業(기업) 等(등)을 訪問(방문)한 뒤 當時(당시)總理(총리)에게 中國(중국)의 엄청난 變化(변화)를 稱讚(칭찬)했다. 2002年(년)...
    13 KB (3,875 單語) - 2024年3月13日(水)23時46分
  • strength; in days of peace to accumulate it, thus perpetually and uniquely discharging his duties to the full. It was no light task that during the past...
    17 KB (4,372 單語) - 2024年4月21日(日)17時29分
  • unlawfully occupy at the United Nations and in all the organizations related to it. 1976th plenary meeting, 25 October 1971 大會(대회) 유엔 憲章(헌장)의 原則(원칙)을 돌이켜보면 中華人民共和國(중화인민공화국)의...
    4 KB (1,149 單語) - 2024年4月27日(土)00時04分
  • heaven Hallowed be thy name Thy kingdom come Thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven Give us this day our daily bread And forgive us our debts As...
    5 KB (716 單語) - 2022年7月19日(火)11時33分