永遠(영원)丹楓(단풍)() (討論(토론))님의 2024()5()8()())18()26() ()
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<永遠(영원)丹楓(단풍)()(The Maple Leaf Forever)>은 알렉산더 뮤어(Alexander Muir, 1830-1906)가 1867() ()()()聯邦(연방)이 수립되었을 때 작곡한 캐나다 애국곡이다. 그는 1866() 리치웨이 전투에서 ()()() 여왕 개인 소총대와 함께 피니아인에 대항하여 이 작품을 만들었다.




In Days of yore, From Britain's shore

Wolfe the dauntless hero came

And planted firm Britannia's flag

On Canada's fair domain.

Here may it wave, Our boast, our pride

And joined in love together,

The thistle, shamrock, rose entwined,

The Maple Leaf Forever.


At Queenston Heights and Lundy's Lane

Our brave fathers side by side

For freedom's home and loved ones dear,

Firmly stood and nobly died.

And so their rights which they maintained,

We swear to yield them never.

Our watchword ever more shall be

The Maple Leaf Forever.


Our fair Dominion now extends

From Cape Race to Nootka Sound

May peace forever be our lot

And plenty a store abound

And may those ties of love be ours

Which discord cannot sever

And flourish green for freedom's home

The Maple Leaf Forever


The Maple Leaf our Emblem Dear,

The Maple Leaf Forever.

God save our Queen[1] and heaven bless,

The Maple Leaf Forever.

  1. () 歌詞(가사)此處(차처) () "King"
  2. 皇室(황실)頌歌(송가)
  3. 皇室(황실)頌歌(송가)